In this country most women are dying due to cervical cancer know in hi

In this country most women are dying due to cervical cancer know in hi

Cervical cancer cases are increasing. Recently the Government of India has announced to provide free vaccine for this cancer. Many cases of this cancer have come to light recently. Due to which many people are losing their lives all over the world. Most of the women who have died from this cancer are from a small African country, Eswatini.

Eswatini has the highest number of deaths due to cervical cancer.

According to the World Cancer Research Fund, the highest number of deaths due to cervical cancer in the year 2020 occurred in Eswatini, a small country in Africa. Eswatini is a developing country with a monarchy. Which is seen as a lower middle income economy. Last year i.e. in 2023, the population of this country was 12 lakhs. Most of which people live in rural areas. Only one fourth of the people in this country live in urban areas.

highest mortality rate

According to statistics, in the year 2020, 341 women in this country lost their lives due to cervical cancer. In most of the cases, it has been seen that this cancer arises due to lack of cleanliness while having sex.

Second common cancer in women in India

Let us tell you that according to the American Society, about 13,820 new cases of cervical cancer are expected in America in 2024. It is estimated that 4,360 women may die due to this. In such a situation, cervical cancer has become the fourth most common cancer worldwide. Talking about India, it has become the second common cancer in women in our country. However, most of the African countries are becoming its biggest victims.

These countries are becoming the biggest victims

Low and middle income countries are suffering the most deaths from cervical cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) report, out of 3,42,000 deaths due to cervical cancer, 90 percent of the women were from low and middle income countries. According to the American Cancer Society, the number of black women who die from this cancer is about 65 percent more than white women.

Also read: Know how many patients of cervical cancer are there in India, a dangerous disease for women.

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